The 10 Point Plan for Financing Biodiversity

The Biodiversity Finance Trends updates emerged from the 10 Point Plan for Financing Biodiversity, launched ahead of CBD COP15 in Montreal to support ambitious nature finance targets in the Global Biodiversity Framework.

Learn more about the 10 Point Plan below.

Find out more about the 10 Point Plan for Financing Biodiversity

  • In December 2022, 196 governments agreed to put nature back on track with the adoption of the landmark Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). But, to successfully halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, we urgently need to fill a $700 billion a year biodiversity finance gap.

    The 10 Point Plan for Financing Biodiversity (10PP) was launched by the UK, Gabon, Maldives and Ecuador to catalyse action towards bridging this finance gap. It set out 10 actionable pathways for unlocking nature finance to meet the GBF targets to phase out or repurpose $500 billion/year of harmful subsidies and scale $200 billion/year in domestic and international biodiversity funding by 2030. Most pressing of all is the interim target to increase international financial flows to developing countries by $20 billion/year by 2025.

    With endorsements from 44 countries, representing a third of global GDP, the 10PP was designed to drive progress towards plugging the biodiversity finance gap by 2030. Progress towards each point in the 10PP is progress towards the whole $700 billion.

    The first update on finance trends under the 10 Point Plan was published at UNFCCC COP28 in Dubai.

    Learn about each of the 10 Points in detail here

    10 Point Plan for Financing Biodiversitydocument

    You can download a PDF copy of the Plan using the links below:

    English version

    French version

    Spanish version

  • The 10 Point Plan for Financing Biodiversity was based on 5 key principles.

    Find out more about the principles here

  • 43 countries, representing around one third of global GDP, a quarter of the global land mass, and a quarter of global forest cover endorsed the 10 Point Plan for Financing Biodiversity.

    Learn more about the Endorsers of the 10 Point Plan here